an engine shutdown.
Most of the emergency drills that we practice are simulated, in that the instructor simply pulls back the throttle on one engine and then declares 'you have an engine failure', or he puts a cover over several instruments and declares 'you have a systems failure'. This is of course preferable to a) a real emergency or b) turning off a critical system, with the risk that it may not be successfully restarted.

In a single engined aircraft most pilots (except perhaps the one on the right) wouldn't dream of deliberately stopping the engine and then trying to restart it in flight. However in a multi-engined aircraft the risk of endangering the flight is much less, since there is one further engine perfectly capable of getting you home. Fully shutting down an engine and restarting it again must be performed for the examiner during the skills test, and so obviously we have to practice it once or twice beforehand.
So that's what we did. And it restarted again. Which was nice.
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