Some more Nav today, this time mainly consolidation but slowly the workload is increasing. I am no longer getting any active assistance from my instructor, so whereas before he would set-up the next radio frequency and sometimes respond to ATC (air traffic control) for me if I were busy, now he leaves me to it, and if I miss something, he lets it play out until either I realise my mistake, or until it becomes necessary for him to intervene to ensure our safety!

Today we flew up to the Sedgemoor services on the M5 (left). Believe it or not they are actually a VRP (visual reporting point) for Bristol airport, so air traffic reports at 'M5 Sedgemoor services' to enter or exit Bristol's airspace. Bournemouth to Bristol: 21 minutes!
This route also required us to get a clearance to transit through the Yeovilton Military Air Traffic Zone. Which was nice.
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