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Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Córdoba part 1

Today I flew to Córdoba in Central Spain. The weather was glorious again (sorry if it's raining and cold where you are), but the weather was one of the main reasons for coming here to fly. By the way, click here to see today's forecast: Spain 26/10/10. In fact that's pretty much the forecast every day.

On the way back from Córdoba I flew past the Moron US Airforce base (see the white strip under my wing in the picture). This is one of the Space Shuttle diversion landing sites, and as you might expect it has a massively long runway.

Oh, and here's one of Capt. Machell, just to prove that I am actually here, and am really flying, not simply sitting by the pool sipping a cold beer and inventing things to say on this blog.

I'm hoping to fly to Malaga and back tomorrow.

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